05 April, 2006

Hello everyone! Today was he day when Colin Cheng complained that a lot of people where teasing him and making a joke out of him. Some people who were called out by Mrs Tham were Brandon, Lester, Brian Lee, Desmond and Jiawei. Among these people, Desmond was innocent. I mean, he has not called Colin names openly, right? At least I never heard him tease Colin. Jiawei is also another innocent guy. When I asked Colin about it, he replied that Jiawei was becoming more hostile towards him. Even if he was, that is a trivial matter! I mean, its not like Jiawei had used vulgarities to scold Colin or insulted him openly. Its just that Jiawei does not want to talk to Colin. A person cannot expect absolutely EVERYONE to talk to him, right? Its ridiculous.

Anyway, during assembly today, most of the items were fine, the drums and stuff. But the dance where a lot of teachers and a few students went up on the stage, it was terrible. There was one dancer who went down the stage and around the hall. A lot of people shouted 'Ah! Ghost! Ghost!'

The latin dance was not a latin dance at all. It was more like a sex dance. Disgusting, was it not? But still, we should respect the dance. I did a little check on the internet, and indeed, thats how a latin dance is like.

So, do continue to visit www.1-2rox.blogspot.com, the class blog.
Due to some technical problems, the photos will be delayed. I'll post them by Sunday.

Ivan Ng


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