17 May, 2006

No, what happens in school is getting out of hand. The behavior of the class during Maths and Higher Chinese lessons is getting from bad to worse. The situation is so bad, people dare to scold vulgarities in front of the teacher and the noise level is so high I can hardly hear the teacher. People walk around like the classroom is a park and kick bottles like the classroom is a soccer field. Mr Lee and Yuan Lao Shi, being slightly older teachers, have little or no control over the behavior of the class. Let's hope the situation will improve. Please 1-2, for the sake of some people who want to learn, please keep quiet lah.

在上数学和高级华文课时, 一二班的表现很坏。有些人敢在老师面前骂粗话, 课室也闹得沸沸扬扬。奇怪的是, 上英文,科学, 和地理课时, 一二班的表现相当好。


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