22 May, 2006

Yo everyone!

May is coming to an end, June holidays are coming. Anyone going overseas? If so, then do tell me what country you're visiting by leaving a comment on the Cbox.

So, today's Maths class was no different. The discipline was poor as usual, but I've learned to get used to it.

Comments on Colin are very true, I'm sure you would all agree, would you not? Ah never mind.

Colin - 'Nerd', 'idiot', 'freak', and a whole host of other unkind words.
Si Hua - 'SHC'
Benedict - 'Balthus', 'Bandit'
Zhen Kai - 'ZK'
Bryan Ching - 'Chingay'
Bryan Lee - 'Gay'
Yong Kang - 'Mount YK'
Clarence - 'Clearance'
Zi Xin - 'Zing'
Jia Wei - 'Dong' Jiawei
Nicholas Poh - 'NP'

Both Si Hua and me are called '胖子' by teachers sometimes.


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