29 December, 2006

Yesterday I just played badminton with Zi Xin, Andrew, and Han Kun (Top PSLE scorer of Peiying Primary Sch in 2005), and it was very fun. I played for 2 hours, very tiring, Andrew left halfway, so Zi Xin and Han Kun and I played until time was up. Then we went under block 828 (Zing's block) and played goalkeeper badminton and monkey badminton. That was fun as well. Then after a while Zing said he needed to go home and took the lift up while Han Kun just headed in the opposite direction. And I was stuck under block 828 without an umbrella (it was raining). But the great thing was I found an umbrella (yellow and black colour) but it was bloody broken and spiky and dangerous and unhygienic to use. Dammit so I looked around and was extremely pleased to find a purple stick lying around. Some fellow threw it away. Such sticks are a good weapon, so I took it with me. I just carried it with one hand and walked through the rain (it was quite cooling) and attracted quite a few stares, some maniac carrying badminton rackets and a purple stick, was he going to attend a gang fight or something? Nah it was ok and I went home. And I recently returned the library books and borrowed new books, another two on North Korea, one on Iraq, one on Vietnam, one on Lee Kuan Yew, 'The Nuclear Countdown'' (Sequel to 'The Missing Island), and a very rare book on Haiti. That was the ONLY book on Haiti I could find. I'm so obsessed with Haiti. And although I combed through the shelves, I could not find a single book on Somalia. (By the way, the country Ethiopia recently INVADED Somalia, those bastards want to capture Mogadishu, and it seems that they are winning. Somalia is better off without any foreign interference. In fact, Somalia has less cases of extreme poverty compared to Ethiopia, thanks to the fact that Somalia has no proper government and is a completelt lawless place. But in Ethiopia, corrupt officials siphon away money intended for the rebuilding of the country. That explains it.)

The reason why South Korea is against re-unification with North Korea at this stage is very simple - North Korea is completely screwed, and if the two Koreas unite, the economy would collapse. Say bye-bye to South Korean exports, shows, dramas, and cars. (By the way, the founder of Hyundai was born in North Korea.)


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