Hello. My, my post is quite a few days late.
But here it is.
For some reason I think I have lost my writing abilities.
I really envy those people going to poly, got a whole lot more holidays. Fuck.
Then all of us going JCs, tough times ahead. Everyone says A Level stress is much higher than O level stress. Makes O levels seem like nothing. Well, everyone said O level stress was going to be much higher than PSLE, and indeed the difference was gigantic, so I can expect worse things to come for JC.
I already struggled through O levels. It caused psychological and behavioural changes, all of which were negative. Well, can expect much worse to come.
Sec 3 and 4 passed by in a flash. I'm hoping the same goes for JC.
About my results. Gah. Let's just say I am hoping for the best. Really want to get into RJ. If cannot... AJ... gah... the only consolation is that many people are going there, too. Doesn't have the subject combination I want.. that really is horrible.
Now, about JC life... being in an all boys school for 4 years has really caused a lot of changes. No more changing in class... fuck... a habit I developed over 4 years... and can't come in last for 2.4km anymore... will not look good will it. FUCK FUCK FUCK!
Beginning to miss Catholic High a lot. Come to think of it it was great. Here is what I miss about it.
1) Canteen. The friendly drinks stall uncle, and the weird snacks stall auntie. But of course, I won't be missing "LAI BOY!!!" You should know who I mean. But I will miss the food at their stall.. And I'm happy to say that in my 4 years in Catholic High, I have never eaten at stall number 3. I hate stall number 3!
2) Bookshop. I will not be buying any more pens there I'm afraid..
3) STUDENT LOUNGE!! As much I as I despise the stupid people running it who overcharge and make irritating noises, nothing beats going there after class and getting a drink and snack and relaxing in air-con.. fuck!!!!! FUCK! I MISS IT!
4) Classroom. 5th floor but ah well..
5) Lecture theater. Where Mr Krishnan will be doing his powerpoint slides and the occasional song. Ah.......
And most important, the people. Of course I won't need to list them here. No point too. Haha.
And so we come to the end of one journey,
and begin a fresh new one.
Gahh. Just want to go back to primary 1 la. Solve everything. No stress, no shit.
So ends my post. I've not heard from my readers, obviously because I have not been posting. But do comment on my cbox your opinions after reading this, or just leave a message that you've read this post on the cbox. At least I know the blog is still alive.. its been so since June 2005.. and will continue.. it has documented by sec school life. and will document my JC, NS, university, and all the other shit that is life... So support my blog man.. ahahaha.. If you really think that you want to comment a long one.. message me on MSN..but I doubt it because there is nothing really substantial in my post. Fuck, my English has degenerated.
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