09 February, 2007

Sorry everyone, not posted for quite some time, reason being I wanted to study, and it was common test week. Now that the common tests are over, I will slack a little, but only for this weekend. Man, there's a bloody hell lot of homework and stuff to get done, really.

Ok I have lots to post. Firstly, I was selected, together with Gao Yi, Yong Yuan, Su Yong, and one other guy for some Lion Dance by the Wushu team. I'm supposed to be a dog on stage, acting like some funny baby of the Lion. I'm supposed to wear this hairy costume that looks like a bear costume. It's ridiculous!

And now, let's talk about Communism! Well, not really communism. About the issue of China and Taiwan. Now, everyone knows China is led by the Communist Party. Yep, it's a prosperous communist nation, unlike North Korea. Ok, why is there this nation Taiwan in the first place? The 国民党 retreated there lah. So China not happy and wants Taiwan back. Re-unification is what China wants. Yeah, so should Taiwan join China? Imagine Taiwan going communist. Wow, that's strange. Few countries recognise Taiwan. Notable countries which do recognise Taiwan are Haiti, Malawi, Swaziland, and the Holy See.

Common test! I hope to get good marks for History, Science, Maths, and Eng. But Higher Chinese I'm a bit worried. My first part, the tian xie ci yu thing, I thing I got 18/20, but the rest simply screwed. I miss the old system of testing, just memorise then can.


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