22 July, 2007

Tomorrow is the start of the common test. Ok, good luck to myself and everyone else who is reading this.

I'd like to blast Wesley's views regarding Cat High and elitism.

First of all, based on Wesley's views, he is obviously elitist and looks down on everyone else, he also feels that Cat High is not an elite school. These are some things he said in response to some questions.

Wesley: Catholic High can never be an elite school.

Why do you say so?

Wesley: Certain things must be fulfilled. First, an elite school is racist. Look at ACS (I). The students there are racist.

Wtf. You are saying RI students are racist as well? RI is a multi racial school you know.

Wesley: Also, and elite school students do not speak Chinese. Only neighbourhood school students speak Chinese.

WTF? Damn bloody wrong statement. zk, you have made two mistakes in your statement.

No 1. You are insulting the English ability of 80% of students in Singapore. 80% are from neighbourhood schools and you're saying they can only speak Chinese and not know any English? And for that matter, what's wrong with Chinese huh?

No 2. You called every billingual student in "elite schools" a freaking banana. You're saying they lost their roots of their very own language and don't know any Chinese at all, which is freaking wrong. Sure, my chinese results are not as good as zk's, but at least I don't have this cursed mindset that he has.

Anyway, if I continue to write like this I will jolly well become a banana myself, so I'm posting what I said in Chinese.

Wesley: 好的学校的学生都会把别的种族拿来开玩笑。


Wesley: 好的学校的学生都只是讲英语,不讲华语。讲华语的学生都是来之邻里学校。



Shit my chinese really needs to improve hahaha.


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