13 July, 2007

Wth la... Zk and Lester have been trying to influence me to Christian rock. Man, can't they understand that I dont appreciate their genre of music at all? And purposely sing or play the music somemore. Wah lao. Listen to techno la.

Looking at MSN, I find that people display a wide variety of MSN nicks. Everyone with MSN can be split into 6 groups.

- People with emo nicks.
- People with philosophical nicks
- People with senseless nicks
- People with religious nicks
- People with nicks which advertise their name proudly
- People with foreign language nicks (Anything that is not Eng or Chinese is "foreign language"

People with emo nicks are people who are emotional and need social security. I can quote an example now - Edmund Aw! His nick is

my life depends on u now... i need u more than anything else... pls dun reject me when i need u most

People with philosophical nicks are people who ponder upon life and broadcast their theories on their nicks. I can quote somebody - Nathaniel! His nick is

The inhumanity of humanity, yet within inhumanity, humanity is found.

People with senseless nicks are people with nicks which make no sense at all. Such as Benjamin -

Soft - White - Absorbent

People with religious nicks are people who display their religion clearly and proudly on their MSN nicks. Mainly Christians, but a Muslim friend of mine once did. I can quote Lester

woo! church man rox my world!

People with nicks which advertise their name proudly love their names very much. Such as Andrew.


Lastly, people with foreign language nicks love foreign languages very much, and usually, their foreign language nicks are their names in foreign languages, most notably Japanese, with tons of ppl displaying funny Jap names. In this case, I would quote somebody else, Melvyn Tan, with a French nick.



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