28 February, 2007

Yo man, I'm damn pissed with myself. For English, my comprehension was screwed, 29/50, bloody fuck the personal response questions. But hey Formal Letter I got 21/30! Just one mark short of Ivan Ong's 22, the highest in class, and if I'm not wrong the whole level. Man, if my comprehension was better, I could have at least gotten an A2, not the lousy 67 B3 I have. Dammit. D&T got lots of shit to do. And LE Cuba project is almost completed, all by myself, without Leonard or Ching. I will finish it without them! Ha ha! I don't mind giving them equal credit as well. That's because I'm familiar with Cuba, I've been going to websites about it since P6. It's a Communist country! Together with China, North Korea, Vietnam, and Laos, they make up the remaining Communist countries in the world!

You know, years ago, people said that Japan would become USA's 51st province, because they were such close allies. But now, according to a Japanese politician, Japan may become a PROVINCE OF CHINA! The politician said that if the situation in Taiwan screws and China invades Taiwan (Possible in the next 20 years) and Taiwan becomes rightfully a territory of China, Japan might be next. Hooray! China will get back Japan! Japan is nothing but people from China, because Japan was uninhabited before Chinese immigrants arrived. And they're good copycats, ah ha ha ha.

The situation in the Korean peninsula has improved greatly since North Korea agreed to scrap its nuclear program. According to a Chinese official, economic co-operation may take place soon an a special economic zone along the China -N. Korea border may be set up.


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