04 April, 2008

Screw the lab technician and myself. I confronted the lab technician today and she said that in actual fact, I was not the only one who did not collect the project, NONE of the light projects were collected. And she said they had all been thrown away. Well, she did admit to dismantling the projects and keeping their parts, just like Mr Tey said, but she did not really seem willing to let me look at them to find if I can find my parts. Anyway, compared to the other electric projects, mine were freaking filled with toys. She probably thought I was hoping to get the entire circuit back, which I don't plan to do so of course, I only want my toys back. So if that lab technician was actually foolish enough to throw away my toys too, then screw her seriously. I mean, can't she just think of African children who have no toys to play with and think about how fortunate she was to have toy cars and pokemon to play with? Or maybe give it to her friends who have children or any children related to her as gifts? Or donate it to an orphanage? Or some salvation army drop off point, which will in turn give the toys to a children's home? Instead she threw it away and I don't want to elaborate, it breaks my heart to do so seriously (only these kind of things make me sad). But to refresh that fellow's mind, I am going to print it out since I took a good many pictures and look for her on Monday with it.Then I can elaborate and point out. Then the best thing is that she would say "oh!!! this stupid circuit with all the toys! I gave them to my favourite niece or nephew/I gave them to an orphanage/I took them for myself/they're right in the lab technicians cupboard!" Anything that can give me a glimmer of hope. If she has nothing to say but "sorry" then well fuck her and I wish my precious toys goodbye, may I reunite with you in my afterlife, should have treasured you guys and I should have never risked you guys for that stupid project. Please forgive your owner.

So yep I hope to get them back, not all hope is lost... yet. Anyway I'm prepared for the worst when I look for her on Monday...

Shit man, if I can't even take the loss of TOYS, what's going to happen to me if I should lose something even more precious? Don't feel like talking about it. Shit man... I cannot allow this to affect me, the mid years are approaching me menacingly.


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