24 February, 2006

CCA in secondary school is not very nice for those who do not enjoy CCAs, or have no time. The thing is that CCA training times differ from school to school. Some schools have long CCA training times and may be more than 2 times a week. Very bad. How to do homework? This can be either enjoyable or horrible, if you like the CCA, you will enjoy it, if you hate CCAs, you will not enjoy it. That simple. One other thing I don't understand is why people like Uniformed Groups so much, think of NCC Air, NCC Sea, NCC Land, NPCC, St John's, Scouts, and a few more. Why so popular? One simple reason. Points. If you join a CCA for points and at the same time, you enjoy it, that will be the best, but if you join the CCA only for the points and you don't enjoy it, you won't be able to get the points if you do not perform well. One misconception is , 'Hey, as long as I join this CCA, I will get the points'. Wrong. Regular attendance and exemplary performance in the CCA are necessary. Thats all, until then, I don't know when the March BBQ will be on, or whether there is such a BBQ for ex-6B in the first place. Inform me if you can, thanks.

Ivan Ng

12 February, 2006

Dark photo. Jesslyn, Audrey, Cheuk Tow, Hwee Xian, Branca, and Xiaohan.

Kang Rui, Jency, Noeleen, Wan Ting, Shaun, Jian Siang pointing, Li Ran, Zarchi, and Michelle in one photo.

Old photo. Jian Lun, Junhao, and John at my house, 2005.

Wan Ting, Noeleen, Hwee Xian, Xiao Han, Branca, Ying Hao, and mysterious hands around Jian Siang.

Picture not very clear, but Brian, Heng Le, and Junjie can be seen

Ok, Liu Zhu, Fadilah, and a bit of Vignesh can be seen here. Guess where this photo was taken?

Photo taken during Jency-Zarchi birthday, 2006.

Junjie, Jordan, Heng Le, Junhao, and Jiawen can all be seen in this photo

Junsheng's bag, Elena, Jingyan, and Heng Le can be seen in this photo

Junhao in a handsome photo

11 February, 2006


Want to contact ex-classmates? I put down all I know.
Jency Chua siuxian@hotmail.com
Noeleen Tan shauntansux2thecoreman@hotmail.com
Jingyan cjingy@hotmail.com
Htay Aung: 93693749
Brian: 67523384, chen_kai_zhang@hotmail.com
Jian Siang: 68521636, jian_siang@hotmail.com
Shayan: 67553578
Kang Rui: 67521649, kangruius@hotmail.com
Ferdinand: 67556008, xiehui_someone@hotmail.com
Junjie: 67582832
Vignesh: 67529729, vickboy_41@hotmail.com
Michelle Ang: lurv_mic@hotmail.com
Zarchi: hapiiee@hotmail.com
Branca: 67532187, branca_5566@hotmail.com
Wan Ting: wan_ting.93@hotmail.com
Li Ran: limliran@hotmail.com
Xiaohan: darling_han@hotmail.com
Hwee Xian: she5566_fchee@hotmail.com
Audrey Lee: addiball_innocent@hotmail.com
Toh Jun Hao: 67554382, 62575331, hao.ge_93@hotmail.com, junhao_93@msn.com
Shaun: 67532098
Jordan: rollerblade_x@hotmail.com, 67554972
Heng Le: 67563506
John-Matthew: zykiel0@hotmail.com, 67527553

This is all that I know. While I try to make sure the information is accurate, do not blame me if it is inaccurate or if the account is no longer used. Also, please do not send any junk email to these guys, thank you.

From now on, I will try to post things and pictures about 2005 Primary 6B, this is devoted to ex-classmates. (In Picture: John waving, Zarchi and Xiaohan can be seen at the back.)
