Everyone my blog was unstable for the past few days, very sorry about that. Not that I wanted it to be that way, but due to certain people giving me problems, I had to shut it down for a short while. Very sorry for any inconvenience, I hope you still continue to make this blog No.1 in 1-2. The person who is giving me problems has stopped for now, and I shall not mention the person's name. Most of you know, feel free to post on the Cbox.
After teacher's day, I went to Peiying Primary Sch. Met Mrs Lau, Htay Aung, Brian, Junsheng, Ferd, Junjie, Junhao, Jordan, and John. Junhao looked fatter than before, what happened to him? Teacher's day gathering was pretty ok, Yang Yuchen the Band guy came to my house. I missed the time he came with Jianlun, we had a damn good time. Why? In the car they winded down the windows and shouted at the security guards, ''Hello security
cleaners!'' Made no sense right? Than we played Playstation and computer like mad. Took out Pepsi, spilled it on the floor, running around the house, making a huge mess. But the best part was when Yuchen, Jianlun and I went to the security guard post. There were some switches at the back of the post. We turned all of them off. The air-con, camera television, fan, everything, was switched OFF. The guy came out, shouting, ''HEY! Who is outside!'' He came out of the guard post. He was REALLY
PISSED. We ran away. Man, if I had run that way for 2.4km, I would have passed it with an A and not fail it with 21mins.Never mind about that. The Friday gathering at Mcdonald's yesterday rocked like hell man! Went there and had breakfast with Ferd, Htay Aung, and Junhao. Ate roti prata. Nice. Halfway through John joined us.
Went to Mcdonalds. Everyone was slacking there. There was nothing to do, Mrs Lau had not arrived. If I'm not wrong, the people who went for the gathering were - Jency, Noeleen, Jingyan, Pamelyn, Htay Aung, Brian, Junsheng, myself, Ferd, Junjie, Pearlyn, Jiawen, Zarchi, Liu Zhu, Wanting, Cheuk Tow, Elena, Xiaohan, Hwee Xian, Audrey, Alexis, Junhao, Jordan and John. Missing a few key people. Jian Siang did not make it because he had gone to Malaysia (I'm going tomorrow as well). Shayan the RI guy had lots of stuff to do, Kang Rui I don't know, Vignesh had dental appointment, and that's all. Pretty sad that the whole class could not make it. I was told my Shammini to go to stop 4. I don't know what it was for, so I went there, together with Junjie. Waited for Mrs Lau for an extraordinary long time. Finally she came and we 'escorted' her because she was 7 months pregnant. After that it was just eating fries. The class photo was taken by Cheuk Tow's mother. Some people left first. I stayed on. Later, Brian wanted to come to my house. Soon, John also requested to come to my house. Great! We left Mcdonald's and went outside. Xiaohan and Audrey asked me to lend them money. What the hell? I had no idea what it was for, but in the end, $5 was lent to Xiaohan and $2 to Audrey. If I'm not wrong they said that the money was for Hwee Xian's birthday. So much rush for a birthday present? I was in this position before anyway. Wonder how am I going to get my money back since we're no longer in the same school. But who cares, I'll get the money back someday. John and Brian then came to my house and played some games before going back. Pics of the gathering, though limited, will be up soon.
I would like to end off here. Remember, I only write vulgarities when I'm
extremely pissed off. So I hope everyone will understand.