30 December, 2006

Saddam Hussein Abd al-Majid al-Tikriti was executed today. He was born on April 28, 1937. It is terrible thing that has happened in Iraq. Thanks to him, electricity was brought to nearly every city in Iraq, and it was he who started the National Campaign for the Eradication of Illiteracy in Iraq. Such a great leader, but it was he who started violent campaigns agains the Kurds. He invaded Kuwait. That is enough to justify his execution. Nevertheless, let us observe a minute's silence in memory of Saddam Hussein.

29 December, 2006

Yesterday I just played badminton with Zi Xin, Andrew, and Han Kun (Top PSLE scorer of Peiying Primary Sch in 2005), and it was very fun. I played for 2 hours, very tiring, Andrew left halfway, so Zi Xin and Han Kun and I played until time was up. Then we went under block 828 (Zing's block) and played goalkeeper badminton and monkey badminton. That was fun as well. Then after a while Zing said he needed to go home and took the lift up while Han Kun just headed in the opposite direction. And I was stuck under block 828 without an umbrella (it was raining). But the great thing was I found an umbrella (yellow and black colour) but it was bloody broken and spiky and dangerous and unhygienic to use. Dammit so I looked around and was extremely pleased to find a purple stick lying around. Some fellow threw it away. Such sticks are a good weapon, so I took it with me. I just carried it with one hand and walked through the rain (it was quite cooling) and attracted quite a few stares, some maniac carrying badminton rackets and a purple stick, was he going to attend a gang fight or something? Nah it was ok and I went home. And I recently returned the library books and borrowed new books, another two on North Korea, one on Iraq, one on Vietnam, one on Lee Kuan Yew, 'The Nuclear Countdown'' (Sequel to 'The Missing Island), and a very rare book on Haiti. That was the ONLY book on Haiti I could find. I'm so obsessed with Haiti. And although I combed through the shelves, I could not find a single book on Somalia. (By the way, the country Ethiopia recently INVADED Somalia, those bastards want to capture Mogadishu, and it seems that they are winning. Somalia is better off without any foreign interference. In fact, Somalia has less cases of extreme poverty compared to Ethiopia, thanks to the fact that Somalia has no proper government and is a completelt lawless place. But in Ethiopia, corrupt officials siphon away money intended for the rebuilding of the country. That explains it.)

The reason why South Korea is against re-unification with North Korea at this stage is very simple - North Korea is completely screwed, and if the two Koreas unite, the economy would collapse. Say bye-bye to South Korean exports, shows, dramas, and cars. (By the way, the founder of Hyundai was born in North Korea.)

25 December, 2006

Reporting about the current Sembawang Shopping Centre situation.

Sembawang Shopping Centre, managed by Capitaland, the same company which manages Vivocity, is about to be semi-demolished. It will then be expanded and more basements will be built. And it is indeed a very major decision, as all the shops will be affected. The revamp will take place some time before Chinese New Year. The tenants were only given two months notice, and many have decided to move out of Sembawang Shopping Centre and will not come back even when the revamp has been completed. However, major shops such as Giant, Guardian, Kopitiam, Burger King, KFC, and Pizza Hut would be coming back once the revamp is completed. The shop owner of Arcticsports said, ''They plan to completed change this place. It will become a more 'high class' shopping centre, with all the high end boutiques and shops.''

I think this is bad. Sembawang Shopping Centre will become like Northpoint and Junction 8, with all the high end shops managed by big companies. Sembawang Shopping Centre is good because a lot of the shops are individual shops, with only one branch, and that is the branch at Sembawang Shopping Centre. They sell stuff you usually wouldn't find at other classier shopping centres. And the aracde at Sembawang Shopping Centre is Funland. I think Funland will move out. Then the big playa Timezone will take over as the sole arcade. Terrible.

Watch this video I made.

Merry Christmas everyone!

21 December, 2006

Hey I just played badminton and table tennis with Chek Wei, Zi Xin and Zi Xuan yesterday and it was pretty ok the booking was paid by Chek Wei and today the booking paid by me and I'm going to be playing at 4-5pm.

Hey I just played badminton and table tennis with Chek Wei, Zi Xin and Zi Xuan yesterday and it was pretty ok the booking was paid by Chek Wei and today the booking paid by me and I'm going to be playing at 4-5pm.

17 December, 2006

Okay I'm back. I didn't exactly have a good time. Not good at at all. Imagine how pissed I was on Thursday when I learnt my trip was exteneded by one day. One Friday I expected to come back to SG but I found out my trip was extended by yet another day. ARGH. ARGH. Never again will I go on these shit visits. Ha ha ha.

By the way what books should I read for the holiday homework?! Bloody hell it has to be a storybook but the only storybooks I have are Roald Dahl and Enid Blyton and Mr Midnight. It's supposed to be a mature storybook but the only mature books I have are books on environmental chemistry and engineering and dictionaries. Stupid storybooks. Anyway Thamtham going to be our form teacher again next year? Zi Xin told me that. Can't believe it.

Playing table tennis later. Bye.

09 December, 2006

Aiyo last minute post I just came back from Hong Kong not too long ago and tomorrow morning I'm leaving for KL sorry to disappoint my loyal blog readers but this is a last minute decision. So just look at my photos I taken, click on them to get a larger view, and so long for now, will be
back on Thursday.

Another photo I'd thought I'd upload.

This video was taken during Disneyland parade and mixed with a nice song by Gigi D'Agostino. The video and the song synchronise pretty well. Some of the original sound effects can be heard.

08 December, 2006

Fat bottom

The classic mouse

A wonderful and vibrant display of colours



Buzz is falling! Help!

Potato man and Buzz Liteyear the mad

The Pink soldiers fight the Green soldiers

Pink soldiers

Whack the soldier!

They look a little too green

Green soldiers

Seafood for everybody

Bubbles for you

Hi, I'm Starry the starfish

Hi, I'm a plant

Disney propaganda everywhere!

Plant man


Who's that

Stupid looking aren't they

Snow White

There's a green gangster behind the yellow fellow

I want money

The gay dwarves

More armpits for you

Keep walking : Johnnie Walker


Armpits for you


He looks like a cross between a lunatic and a gay

Statue base

Back view

This is the best shot of the Bruce Lee statue

The statue base

Bruce Lee statue

Bruce Lee statue

This is a car, I think it's a Cadillac or Chevrolet

Food they serve on Cathay Pacific and food on air always tastes good somehow

Ad on the way out of the airport


Indian man preparing food

Indian food menu




Traffic policeman

Hey everyone I'm back from Hong Kong, had a great time there. Just arrived yesterday night on a Cathay Pacific plane, and Hong Kong's Chek Lap Kok airport had very high standards and was huge.

First day, arrived in HK, went to Harbour Plaza Hotel, free day, ate steak for lunch and meat noodles for dinner.

Second day was a full-day tour. Went to many places in HK including the river, a temple, and a jewelry shop.

Third day was Disneyland. Nothing to say. Pretty average. Disney propaganda everywhere to influence you, by the time you exit, the only thing on your mind is Disney Disney Disney, the Disney car, the Disney train, the Disney shirt, the Disney hat, everything is Disney.

Fourth day was free day. Went to flea market and got some stuff there, not to mention the great steak.

Fifth day was Ocean Park and it sucked big time. During the evening flew back to Singapore.

The only souvenirs I got were:

A Chinese painting

A laser pointer

A remote-controlled toy car (Mitsubishi Evo)

Some soft toys

I got lots and lots of photos to post. So I'm posting now.

What is this yellow thing?

It's a seafood restaurant, what do you think it is

Wait a sec using blogger to post my photos will take an eternity so I'm posting using ZhaoPianTong.
