22 July, 2007
Tomorrow is the start of the common test. Ok, good luck to myself and everyone else who is reading this.
I'd like to blast Wesley's views regarding Cat High and elitism.
First of all, based on Wesley's views, he is obviously elitist and looks down on everyone else, he also feels that Cat High is not an elite school. These are some things he said in response to some questions.
Wesley: Catholic High can never be an elite school.
Why do you say so?
Wesley: Certain things must be fulfilled. First, an elite school is racist. Look at ACS (I). The students there are racist.
Wtf. You are saying RI students are racist as well? RI is a multi racial school you know.
Wesley: Also, and elite school students do not speak Chinese. Only neighbourhood school students speak Chinese.
WTF? Damn bloody wrong statement. zk, you have made two mistakes in your statement.
No 1. You are insulting the English ability of 80% of students in Singapore. 80% are from neighbourhood schools and you're saying they can only speak Chinese and not know any English? And for that matter, what's wrong with Chinese huh?
No 2. You called every billingual student in "elite schools" a freaking banana. You're saying they lost their roots of their very own language and don't know any Chinese at all, which is freaking wrong. Sure, my chinese results are not as good as zk's, but at least I don't have this cursed mindset that he has.
Anyway, if I continue to write like this I will jolly well become a banana myself, so I'm posting what I said in Chinese.
Wesley: 好的学校的学生都会把别的种族拿来开玩笑。
Wesley: 好的学校的学生都只是讲英语,不讲华语。讲华语的学生都是来之邻里学校。
Shit my chinese really needs to improve hahaha.
13 July, 2007
Wth la... Zk and Lester have been trying to influence me to Christian rock. Man, can't they understand that I dont appreciate their genre of music at all? And purposely sing or play the music somemore. Wah lao. Listen to techno la.
Looking at MSN, I find that people display a wide variety of MSN nicks. Everyone with MSN can be split into 6 groups.
- People with emo nicks.
- People with philosophical nicks
- People with senseless nicks
- People with religious nicks
- People with nicks which advertise their name proudly
- People with foreign language nicks (Anything that is not Eng or Chinese is "foreign language"
People with emo nicks are people who are emotional and need social security. I can quote an example now - Edmund Aw! His nick is
my life depends on u now... i need u more than anything else... pls dun reject me when i need u most
People with philosophical nicks are people who ponder upon life and broadcast their theories on their nicks. I can quote somebody - Nathaniel! His nick is
The inhumanity of humanity, yet within inhumanity, humanity is found.
People with senseless nicks are people with nicks which make no sense at all. Such as Benjamin -
Soft - White - Absorbent
People with religious nicks are people who display their religion clearly and proudly on their MSN nicks. Mainly Christians, but a Muslim friend of mine once did. I can quote Lester
woo! church man rox my world!
People with nicks which advertise their name proudly love their names very much. Such as Andrew.
Lastly, people with foreign language nicks love foreign languages very much, and usually, their foreign language nicks are their names in foreign languages, most notably Japanese, with tons of ppl displaying funny Jap names. In this case, I would quote somebody else, Melvyn Tan, with a French nick.
07 July, 2007
It's Earth Day? Happy Earth Day!
It's CHMA? Dunno how its like. Brandon performed.
Whacked myself a few times by accident today. Good. Train pain endurance.
Standing broad jump I competition with Zing today lost to him by a shoe's length.
I fear for Old Folklore movie 2. Relations with ZJ have been strained over the incident.
06 July, 2007
All right, basically what happened was Edmund threw a correction tape at me, I got pissed and thought Zejun threw it at me, threw it at Zejun with a lot of force, hit Zejun, Zejun intimidated me, I retreated to back of class, picked up a chair, Zejun took a table, some vulgarities uttered, Mr Ang sees it, confiscates name tags, we go to Mr Teo and tell him what happens, and then the class is called out, pump 15 each, and thats it.
Anyway, here is basically how I threw the thing at Zejun (I thought it was a metal stapler at first) Click on picture for clearer view.
02 July, 2007
Wow, amazing! My blog has been around for more than 2 years now. Good. I'm gonna keep it that way.
These days I have been making hot dogs to for my meals. Ever since I bought and eaten a simple hotdog from our 2-2 stall I felt that the hot dog is a simple yet tasty dish. And come to think about it, the prices we charged were downright ridiculous. A hotdog I made myself, which has, apart from the bun and sausage, lots of stuff. Bacon bits, lettuce, cheese, mustard, and tomato sauce. Such a hotdog would have cost $6! But never mind.
This is my Chinese Yan Jiang so far. Will still edit and add some more parts to it.
And wish everyone a happy Youth Day! I played some NFSU 2 and my toy cars to relive my primary school days.
01 July, 2007
Sorry, no updates for a very long time, leading "someone you know" the fucking asshole to declare my blog is dead, and say my video sucks. Yeah, honestly it does, but the fucking bastard behind "someone you know" is a useless coward, I want to split you by 5 horses. Yea I would like to see who the hell you are.
Ah crap, stupid guy made me angry. Ignore the last paragraph if you are not that idiot, ya? Yesterday was HOMECOMING DAY. A very good day. Yes, I think 2-2's stall has made lots of money! Business was pretty good. A hotdog with sauce cost $2, a hotdog with toppings cost $3, and a hotdog with both sauce and toppings cost $4. Any additional toppings or sauce would cost another $1. See why our stall made so much money? Yay I cannot wait to findout just how much money we made.
A lot of time was spent at Zk's house playing computer games and my Xbox. Quite fun. My NFSU 2 skills had detoriated, but still good enough to win some races on "hard" difficulty. On the Xbox, we mostly played PGR2. Finally, I met my match! Lester Sim is incredibly good at PGR2 and frankly speaking I think we're on par! Ya, when we race either I win or he wins. He's fun to play with as he's a good challenge. Sadly, I don't think I'll be playing any games for quite a while.
And what should I film for IT project?